Today after I dropped Gray off, I decided to chance the traffic and make my way to my favorite yoga class. Usually this is a 10 minute commute, but on a day like today it took me over 45 minutes. When I finally made it my garage was closed and as I was about to leave (filled with anger) a spot opened up, and even though I was late I somehow had made it to class. Upon my arrival, my wise teacher was discussing exactly how I was feeling. How the past few weeks in this city can make us so angry and how we hold in that anger, frustration, stress, and how it manifests in every aspect of our daily lives. I swear it was like she was talking to me. She had us practice an exercise in gratitude and I have to share it with you because it allowed me such a release, I imagine there are quite a few of my fellow Bostonians who are feeling the same way right about now.
We started class as most do, thinking of things that we are grateful for but instead of big picture things, she had us focus on the smaller things. I found this small nuance to be so eye-opening. She said she starts the day thinking of the little things she is grateful for, like sleeping in, or a few moments of quiet in the morning. She had us list in our head what we were grateful for this morning. Usually I would say my family, my health, my friends, yada yada and of course that is all true, but it's those big ideas that get lost when you are dealing with the day to day trials and tribulations. Instead, today I thought about how grateful I was for my parking spot, and how grateful I was that I was able to get quarters from the juice guy without any hassle (in this city that is a big deal) and how grateful I was that I was about to take an hour in the middle of the morning just for myself. Just thinking of these small things made such a big difference in my mood, I'm telling you it was like I could feel my whole body lightening.
The rest of the class we focused on back bending and chest opening, which she said can act as an anti-depressant for the body, and towards the end we took a few minutes to lay on a block (which can easily be done with a rolled up towel or blanket at home) wedged in-between our shoulder blades, letting gravity do the work. During this time I ticked off all the little things I was grateful for. The shoveled sidewalk, the fact that my mother-in-law is in town which means I get to pick up the LM without forcing Gray to sit for what has become an hour and a half commute, the clean sheets on my bed, etc... It seems silly but for some reason just focusing on the little blessings made the biggest difference in my mood. So far the anger has been kept at bay and I really do feel more like my old self.
From now on I'm going to really try to keep up with this exercise in gratitude. I realize that the stewing that I do after my early morning wakeup is just setting my day off on the wrong foot. Instead, I going to prop myself up in to a chest opening position and try to focus on the little things that I'm grateful for. Rather than starting the day with so much weight already on my mind, I'm going to try to lighten the load. One can never have too much gratitude and it's nice to find it just when you need it the most.
(Image via this site)
1 comment :
Oh my gosh this is SO TRUE for me, and then after my walk / yoga / writing in my gratitude journal, I am newly amazed at how much it WORKS. You would think I would learn by now... So glad you are refreshed! :)
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