I've Got A Theory.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

When I think of the brand Theory I always think of my former work wardrobe. For me, if I ever was in need of a great pair of trousers, I always knew that this brand would have the perfect pair. If I was looking for a great classic suit, I was pretty much guaranteed that I could find one (two, three, four) at their store. In fact, the only pieces that I still have, and wear, from my former work life are a blazer and a black pencil skirt, both of which are  from Theory and are about 7-8 years old and I am always amazed when I wear them that they look almost as good as they did the day I bought them. Now that my "work" wardrobe consists of jeans, flip flops, and on a good day a nice sweater, I had forgotten all about the brand that used to be my "run to" for all my wardrobe essentials. I short, I thought Theory was for those women who only wore suits and heels. Well, add this to the list of things that I have been WRONG about, because let me tell you, Theory is so, so SO, much more. 

I re-learned this fact when I was shopping with my SIL on my infamous Memorial Weekend trip to New York. We were wandering around the meatpacking district in search of some food when we stumbled upon the gigantic Gansevoort street store. At the time we were just window shopping, and truthfully we were in some serious need of some air conditioning, when we walked into the modern boutique. My eyes were immediately drawn to the dress pictured here on the bottom, and before I knew it I was at the counter giddy because I had just found three of the most perfect Summer dresses. The fit was to die for, and for obvious reasons I love the various cuts, but what really got me was how great the quality of the items were. I have literally been living in these dresses ever since my return. While I am not one to impulse shop, I must say that in this case my impulses were right on the money. 

I've got a Theory... if it's from Theory then you can go wrong. Apparently it doesn't matter if you work on Wall Street, or spend your time strolling down the street, this is one brand that has you covered!


Polly said...

Great dresses.

Val said...

I LOVE the black and white dress. It looks great. I've honestly never shopped at Theory before, but I'm sold! I need clothes both for running around with my kids and also new work clothes to go on interviews. My previous job had a uniform of khakis and polos so my wardrobe is seriously lacking. Looks like I'll be taking a trip to Theory!

Style At Every Age said...

Great dresses, I saw that black draped one on NAP but thought it might be a bit short on me!