(Non) Maternity Chic.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I saw this over on A Cup Of Joe (one of my daily reads) and I just had to repost.

I was just telling my girlfriends how this time around I am refusing to buy any maternity clothes (except maybe a pair of jeans) and I just love how put together these moms-to-be are, without buying a ton of clothes that you are likely to never wear again. Before we left, I pulled out a few things that made it through my last pregnancy, and just the sight of them made me break out in hives. I wore them almost every single day for 9 months straight, I just don't think I can stomach them again.

According to Lucky, it looks like it's time to hit up my hubby's closet for some inspiration!

1 comment :

Polly said...

Definitely get the Maternity jeans. I bought them for pg number 2 and lived in them.