
Friday, July 4, 2014

 It's hard to believe it, but we have less than two weeks left of our little sabbatical from life!  Despite being on the receiving end of the nastiest cold (ever!!!) from Gray, we are all still hanging in there and managing to have a great time in the process.  Although, I have to admit, there is a lot of this going on  as well! (made me laugh out loud!)  Today the surf was honking (like 20 feet) so we went on a little adventure, and stumbled upon this incredible blowhole.  The boys and I must have spent an hour, watching as the waves rolled in, one after another, sending huge bursts of water in to the air.    They really couldn't get enough! 

Later today there is a big party at the skate park around the corner, and tomorrow my Dad is coming down to surprise the boys. What can I say, life is good!

 Pura Vida as they say down here!

For those of you who celebrate, I wish you a happy and safe 4th of July!

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