A Little Under The Weather.... I Blame The Weather.

Monday, September 13, 2010

It's noticeably cooler outside which means this is the time of the year that I always get a cold. Isn't amazing how as you get older you can start to actually predict these things? I have started a million and one blog posts today (or 4,) but I think the sudafed has either blocked my creativity, or I've finally run out of things to say. Since hell hasn't frozen over, I'm pretty sure it's the former. I had a perfect weekend, which was topped off by a last minute visit with my sister-in-law that included some pre-winter retail therapy (I finally broke down and got a proper winter coat) and some quality time with my husband and Little Man. I feel like should be getting everything prepared for the LM's first day of school on Wednesday, but for the rest of the afternoon that will have to wait as I plan on doing nothing but sitting on my sofa, in my pj's, drinking tea, while I snuggle up with this little face. 

This is just what the doctor ordered.

1 comment :

Jodi said...

WE have that too. Hello cold and flu season you are not welcome back!