Fabulous Shared Spaces.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

As much as I am L.O.V.I.N.G baby Gray's new nursery, (pictures to follow soon) I have found that I am not loving losing the extra room that used to house all of the LM's toys, books, etc... When you are dealing with a small city space like ours, space is at a premium, and I have to say that I hate the thought that our guests will be banished to an air mattress for the next few years. Or more so that we will be banished to an air mattress, while giving up our room to out-of-towners.

At this point what's done is done, and I'm sure my four year old will greatly appreciate not being woken up by a newborn at all hours of the night. I only wish I could say the same for myself! When it comes to our next house (California I'm talking to you) I am pretty sure that I will put the boys* together for the first few years. Here are some fabulous shared rooms that have left me drooling on my computer. Oh, and for all our guests, my apologies in advance for the accommodations, I can promise you that your next room will be well worth the wait.. and the back pain.


* Can I just say how my I love saying "my boys?" Truly, it melts my heart.


Allie said...

Yummy, I know you throw around the idea of moving to California one day, but I'm curious...would you ever want to live in NYC? I'm not talking the practicalities of it, just merely curious...would you like to live there with your family if you could?

beach bum mum said...

My boys are in together (3yrs & 5mnths) and the 3yo is rarely woken by the baby, I am shocked as my 3yo was always a terrible sleeper too, I think he likes the company. We are about to move and I can't wait to decorate their shared room, thanks for the inspiration! PS I love saying my boys too!

Anonymous said...

We did not want to give up our guest bedroom when our second was born. And then our surprise third...all 3 are stuffed in together and love it (of course it's normal to them). In both cases we waited til the baby was 10-12 weeks (basically sleeping thru the nite) before moving them in with their sib(s). Eventually our 5 yr old (only boy) will get his own room. But not for a while. In the meantime, they adapt. I often come in at night, turn on a light, put away clothes, empty diaper bin, and no one wakes.

But I do love the nurseries you've showcased... -Jo

Unknown said...

Shared spaces are a trend that I see evidenced in pics that are sent into my nursery picture contest. Another trend would be the use of dark colored walls. The don't work for everyone, but they really make the colors stand out in the rest of the room.