Prince Charming.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The other night while the whole yummy mummy family slept something very unusual happened. In the middle of the night the little man let out a loud cry. This sent me into a state of panic that remains deep down from those long sleepless nights when the little man used to get up every two hours for feedings. That was a low point in my life, my marriage, and for my sanity. After a year of sleeping through the night any noise is not a good noise. 

So the little man yelped and I immediately asked, "should I go in there, oh God what do you think is wrong?" My husband rolled over and sleepily resplied, "No, he's fine he probably just lost his Binky." Of course he was right and I the little man went right back to sleep. I was left laying there almost in tears. Happy tears. For some reason that got me. It's been almost a whole week and I still melt when I think of it. 

Here's why:

  1. I love that the word Binky is part of his vocabulary. Even at 3am. This is coming from a man who had never even held a baby prior to the birth of our son. 
  2. I love that he truly knows our son. He knows what he needs. He is at work all day and spends nowhere near as much time with him as I do, yet he still knows him. Sometimes better than me.
  3. I love that we are a family. I love having a partner to ask these questions to in the middle of the night.  
  4. My husband has no idea what he said or how it affected me. 
Before we had the little man I used to have a very different idea of what romance and love was. I used to crave flowers and nice evenings out. I was constantly seeking passion and excitement. I thought that is what true love was. Now I see it is something so much deeper. It's about commitment and loyalty. It's about knowing what the other needs, even at 3am. 

Don't get me wrong though, flowers are still nice (ahem).


TheOnlineStylist said...

Aahhh Y. M. You soppy so and so! What a lovely post! You are so right....when the heart stopping stuff turns into the 3.00am loyalty spot you just know you are onto a winner! Other Half is the biggest support to me and I know I could not do this without him. I still remember when Small Child was born and was in ICU for 48 hours... he was my rock and held it together enough for both of us whilst my hormones were at their most raging point, let alone the worry of a sick baby! When they wheeled her back onto the ward and said that she was out of the woods, that was the point that he broke down and I was able to comfort him. God, I get emotional just thinking about it!
My point is..thats the man you're glad you married! x

Robin M Anderson said...

He sounds wonderful! It's so amazing isn't it?

Robin M Anderson said...
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Jean said...

That's such a lovely post. Y'know, chocolates and flowers are lovely but when it comes down to it you want a man who still makes your heart melt by uttering the word binky. I'm happy you found such a man :-)