The Scoop From Goop.

Monday, October 13, 2008

I have to share this with you! I believe it is my duty as a fashion lover! Last week I wrote about my mild (now major) obsession with Gwyneth Paltrow. One of my favorite readers, That Girl, then turned me on to what has become my favorite website. Actually, the website is not fully up and running yet, but their newsletter is, and OMG it is amazing. This is my key to becoming my most fashionable self! I can't believe it only took me thirty years to get here.

I was so unbelievably excited when I got this email, that I immediately forwarded it to every yummmy mummy I knew. I also sent it to a few of my single gal friends, and you know what? They already knew about it! Damn I thought, I really am living in a bomb shelter! At least I have you fab mommies out there in the blogosphere to keep me in line.

Below is the best email ever to hit my inbox. I am now on my way to Newbury Street to scoop up every piece mentioned (take a deep breath, honey, I am just kidding; sort of...)

A girl can dream can't she?

At 10PM I realized I had some major technical difficulties uploading the email. Here are some of the pics. The idea is what you can do with just a plain gray tank to get you through your busy "mom" day....getting the kids to school, heading out to run errands, meetings, etc. All doing it looking fabulous just like Gwyn.Go to to sign up for the newsletter, you won't be disappointed!

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