Let's Do This!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I *try* not to make New Year's resolutions all that often, but for some reason, this year, I'm feeling like I could benefit from a concrete list of goals. You know, a little something to hold myself accountable to when 2014 rolls around? I find that resolutions work best when they are simple, and quantifiable, so here are the five things I'd like to work on this year. 

  1. Make more time for friends. We've been though a lot together, and after a night out, I find that I am a new person for the rest of the week. I have to find a way to make this happen more, even if it means dinner with the kiddos in tow.
  2. Make more time for myself. This ties in to #1. Ever since Gray was born, I've found that I never do anything, anymore, for just me. I always feel guilty for being away from the boys or my husband, and towards the end of last year I found that this was just causing me to sometimes resent all three. This year I am determined to use some of my allotted babysitting time, on just me. Going to the gym doesn't count. {To this end I am determined to see Le Mis, while it is still in the theater. I don't know when, or how, but this just HAS to happen.}
  3. Make my husband do the same. That kid works so damn hard, and when he comes home, he is still amazingly present. I have a feeling if I am doing more of #2, I won't get so up in arms if he wants to do something during "family time." 
  4. Adopt a more vegan diet. Dairy and I are not friends, and I have a love/ hate relationship with meat, meaning I love it, and my body hates how I feel after eating it. This year I am going to give  veganism a real go, and see how I feel after 365 days of vegan(ish) eating. I say (ish) because I can't imagine life without fish and seafood, and I absolutely can't say no to good cheese, and good cupcakes. Okay, marginal cupcakes will do too!
  5. Remind myself every day that the kids will only be this age for a short time. I swear, sometimes it takes reminding myself that I have made it through almost 5 1/2 years with the LM, just to psych myself up to make it to bed time. Little kids are difficult, but they are only little for so long. We will survive. {Perhaps I should tattoo this on my forehead ;)} 
There you have it. My list for 2013. I'm counting on you all to hold me to them! 

Hope you all had a happy and safe New Year! 




Lou said...

Ditto on the sentiment in the image - I posted on the same thing! The time for yourself will come - my kids are slightly older than yours and honestly I feel the me time seeping back in to my life without even realising. The more self sufficient they become, the more me sufficient I become! Happy new year - still loving your blog and your honesty - always interesting and inspiring. Not to mention the delights on your pinterest!! Lou x

Robin M Anderson said...

Awwww Lou. You are very much one of my favorites, you always have such an amazing perspective on things, and your imagery is one of my daily mind vacations. So happy to see we think the same when it comes to the new year!!!! All the best in your journey.
