I have the BEST diaper bag. Really I do. Everywhere I go people are always asking me, Oh My God where did you get that amazing bag. Is it Chloe'? Is it Kate Spade? "I can't place it but it's fabulous," they say. Then I drop the bomb on them. "Actually, its a diaper bag," I say. Then I politely ask them to close their gaping mouths. Most then grab the bag and marvel at it's many compartments, wondering if they could pass it off as a "traditional" handbag. "Good Luck,"I say and give them the name. I really should start trying to get a commission off these things.
I can't take all the credit for this amazing find. In fact I cant take any of the credit. My fashionista BFF A.D. was the first to sport the Nest Grommet and soon we all followed. Like sheep. Hey, the bag was totally worth it.
Here are some other amazing bags in the Nest Line. I know, it's truly unbelievable that these are diaper bags. But trust me. They are! if this doesn't make you want to have more kids I don't know what will.
Cute bags!
hoganfe handmade
handbag originals
Lol...I have been meaning to ask you who makes your bag. Maternity really does open up a whole new world of shopping, doesn't it? Almost makes me want to have a kid (emphasis on the almost)!
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