Now What?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

While I was out running errands today I picked this up.

Now What?

I promise any advice will be payed forward when the little man is fully trained. *

*Keeping in mind that the little man is only 18 months old and I realize we are no where near "real" potty training. 


Jean said...

The best bit of advice I was given about potty training was to wait until you think they might be ready - when they know they need a clean nappy for instance, or they ask you to change them - and then don't turn back! It gets very confusing for toddlers if you stop and start potty training, so once you start - keep going! And don't let other people tell you their baby was potty trained at 6 months - it's not a competition! Do it when it seems to be the right time for both you and the Little Man.

Good luck!

Ally W said...

Yum! I'm in the same place you are! Literally!! I just bought the pink BabyBjorn potty - apparently they are the best potty! I also bought a Potette for traveling and on the go (it also can be used over a regular toilet if you are at someone's house who doesn't have a potty). A friend of mine who's been doing tons of potty-training research has promised to send me resources so I promise to forward them to you! Who said being a Mummy was easy!!!!! xo

Anonymous said...

Let me give you some free advice. Forget the research and expensive so called answers. He will go when he wants. Ask him a few times a day (around the times he usually goes). If he wants to sit on the potty, do it. Sing songs, read stories, give him a drink.....If he doesn't want to, leave it alone. If he goes, give him a potty prize and make a really big deal out of it. Just remember, he's little and boys usually take a little longer. EVERY KID IS DIFFERENT. Good luck!