The Adventurer.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Since the day my Little Man turned two he has been begging for this scooter. Begging. I told him he would have to wait until he was 3 because if you have met my kid you know the last thing that you want is to give him freedom to roam, especially when this freedom involves a set of high speed wheels. So, every day since he would say to me that all he "really really really" wants is a "scooter like the big boys have", and everyday I would tell him that he has to wait just a few more months. Well, thanks to one of my best friends, my LM finally got his wish, and much to his delight he actually was given "the best present ever" a few weeks early. (Thank you again M!!!!)

At first I was a little nervous about taking him out on the open road on this thing, but after a few days he seemed to be comfortable enough on it that I figured we could do a test run through a busy section of town. While my husband was away last week, the LM and I took off to Central Square in search of Sushi (for me and his aunty, not him) and we just so happened to make it to the busiest area around, and as luck would have it, this was of course during rush hour (for anyone in the area you know it's pure and utter chaos at this time.) Once we arrived I found that the Sushi place had closed so we quickly hopped on a bus and went to Harvard Square, scooter in tow. We picked up our order, took the bus home, walked the 6 blocks back to the house, and to my surprise, my guy made it the whole trip.... on the scooter. No broken bones, no tears, and in about the same amount of time that it would have taken us if I was pushing him in the stroller. When we got home my little guy remarked about the amazing "adventure" that he just had, and now, every night since, we go on adventure after adventure.

First it was to the grocery, then the next night to the pharmacy, and last night's was a biggie as we went to the dry cleaners AND the wine store. Yes, miracles do happen and somehow this three wheeled gift from god has made running errands fun (and slightly more heart stopping.) Of course my little man can't just "ride" the scooter like he should, no my little adventure seeker (who may or may not be missing a chromosome) has now taken to finding every hill in town to quote "bomb."

Here is my almost 3 year old doing what he does best.... thrill seeking.

Tonight's adventure includes a walk, a train ride to Beacon Hill, and some fig pizza. Next year he's thinking of scooting down Everest...*

*Seriously, I wouldn't put it past him.


Me said...

LOL! Awesome!!! He's going to be a daredevil.

Mira said...

That is AWESOME! My Middle Man has the same scooter and won't ride anything else. Not even a bike. Wishing you lots of good times, hopefully not too many trips to the emergency room lol.

Polly said...

My DH and I are sitting here having a little giggle at your "Not in the street" comment. In our house its always fun followed by instruction!!

smitten me with hope said...

:D my girls have the pink version, best scooter ever! I haven't been brave enough to let them scoot on anything other than a flat surface though, it's heart-stopping enough watching the crazy swerving!