Let There Be Light.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Our new light fixture finally arrived and at last it is installed. When we bought it I wasn't 100 percent sure if I was in love with it, but now that it's up I am in lurveeeeee! I think it's pretty understated, but it definitely adds a much needed design element to the room. The best part? After a year we no longer have to eat dinner in the dark! Amazing. 

Here it is illuminating the night. It is made of a linen like paper and is cream when the light is off, white when it is on. 

Now the little man can actually see while he is jumping from one end of the couch to the other. (Please tell me my kid isn't the only on who does this all night long.)

Another view. 

It was rather inexpensive even though we had to get it custom made for our tall ceilings. The plan was to leave it behind when we sold our home, but I don't think I'm going to be able to let this baby go. Sorry future owners but this light is mine!


barefoot-n-pregnant said...

Beautiful! And cream linen is delicious. Before we got our dining room fixtures up we too ate in the dark, actually by candlelight. I let my 13 year old stepdaughter be in charge of arranging and lighting the candles (under my supervision, of course), and was delighted when all of her food pickiness went out the door. It's amazing what kids will eat, and LIKE, if they can't see it!

Polly said...

Love it.