
Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's been 2 weeks since I have officially been off the "sauce." Even as a former self proclaimed Starbucksaholic, I have almost given up my drug of choice. 

The demise of the Soy Latte was and is completely related to my desire to conceive baby number two (why else would a girl do something SO crazy?) Caffeine and Soy seems to be the number one and number two no-nos and since my drink consisted solely of those two ingredients than I was pretty much out of luck. 

I'm not going to lie, my detox hasn't been easy. The first week I had some wicked headaches. Like, oh my god my head is going to explode, please kill me now, kind of headaches. I also was really tired. Really, really tired. First trimester kind of tired. The second week, not so bad. 

I have had two minor slips. This weekend the weather was BEAUTIFUL and the LM, Husband and I took our favorite walk up to Peets Coffee in Harvard Square. I couldn't not get anything given the tradition so I opted for a decaf iced coffee. It was kind of like an O'Douls, same taste, same texture, sadly missing that same familiar buzz. 

I must say that I am impressed with my willpower given that this week I truly have been tested. My little man who used to get up around 8:15 has now decided that 6:30 is his wake up time of choice. Really, I say? You have to chose the week I cut out my IV of coffee to decide to take away an hour and half of my precious sleep? Sometimes, I think that kid has it out for me. 

So far I have survived, and I have an extra 41 dollars in my pocket. Given that I'm thinking my little hiatus may stick (sad). Oh, but just talking about it really, really, really makes me want a piping hot cup.

One day at a time, one day at a time. 


Unknown said...

Wow, I am so impressed! You know I am an addict and can't even imagine... :)

Katy said...

I remember those days. I had to ween myself with half-caffs for a week or tow, so you're doing really well. I do remember the headaches and the tiredness though. Mine were like "I hope you all rot in hell" type of headaches. But you've made it through the hard part, it will only get easier.

Polly said...

What is it with the waking? Ollie has been waking at 5.45am when he usually wakes at 7am - Im not coping.

Robin M Anderson said...

Oh the waking early is the worst! I thought it was a summer thing, but since it is getting cold where you are it can't be that. Someone said they are getting bigger and just need less sleep. Less sleep? Ugh, I so miss those twelve hour nights and TWO nap days!

Jodi said...

good way to save money for new baby stuff! When/if you go back to coffee (which you will have to if the twin dream comes true) it really gives a kick then.

lunarossa said...

I understand your problem. I've been struggling through Lent to avoid cappuccino and latte and I've managed to save £80 to give to charity. For health reasons I should keep on avoiding coffee. It's hard but it's not as bad as at the beginnig. Good luck. Ciao. A.

valeria said...

Hey, what's the problem with coffee? Does it interfere with getting pregnant? Oh, my....

Robin M Anderson said...

They say it can mess up ovulation and increase the risk of miscarrying. That being said I drank a TON with the little man and had no problem. Soy is the bigger problem because it contains estrogen.

Julie said...

yeah coffee is pretty good for you, it has lots of antioxidants which prevent free radicals from degrading your cells, etc..yay coffee. once you have the babes I would get drinking!!